Epigraph Self-Publishing Service - Print Books On-Demand


Independent Presses Win Awards

Independent Presses Win Awards

August 21, 2015

Self-publishing authors would do well to learn about, and from, traditional small presses*. They have much in common with them.  

Social Media All Authors Should Be Utilizing

Social Media All Authors Should Be Utilizing

June 16, 2015

Web presence is one of the essentials of any business in this day and age. In a previous blog post, I talked about using social media to promote your work. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the various social media platforms that you should be utilizing and exploring.

Marketing Your Self-Published Book: Phase 2a

Marketing Your Self-Published Book: Phase 2a

May 22, 2015

If finding the right contacts is half the battle of winning a media campaign, then knowing what to say is, of course, the other half. What you need to know here is that you don't usually have a lot of leeway in your approach. It has to be spot on (to media sensibilities) to even compete with the tens or hundreds of other pitches they are receiving daily or it goes into the 'round file' (waste paper basket).

Marketing Your Self-Published Book: Phase 2

Marketing Your Self-Published Book: Phase 2

May 12, 2015

Having secured a bookstore event, you are now going to notify two important constituencies about two important events: 1. the publication of your new book! 2. Your ‘book party’ and launch at the local bookstore on such and such a date.

Marketing Your Self-Published Book: Phase 1

Marketing Your Self-Published Book: Phase 1

April 28, 2015

Our insider tips series are step-by-step instruction manuals to help you successfully navigate the complex processes of book publishing. The advice is based on personal experience and what I believe to be common practices or points of view inside traditional publishing. I trust that you will modify according to your own needs and sensibilities. Every book and every author are naturally different.

Regarding Social Media: What I Learned Working For Two Imprints

Regarding Social Media: What I Learned Working For Two Imprints

April 10, 2015

Something I’ve noticed is that traditionally published authors tend to have Facebook pages setup for themself as an author, outside of a their personal account, or pages for their book that they share updates on. Self-published authors utilize social media in this way far less so.

Tools for Keeping Your Readers Up to Date - Mailchimp

Tools for Keeping Your Readers Up to Date - Mailchimp

March 26, 2015

So you are about to publish your book and you need to inform your friends, family, and fan base. Email, though fast and easy, can be somewhat limiting, especially in terms presenting information in interesting, eye-catching ways, or sending to large quantities of people. Mailchimp is a tool that can remedy basic email’s shortcomings.

How to Start a Writers Group That Actually Works—and Lasts

How to Start a Writers Group That Actually Works—and Lasts

January 28, 2015

It’s easy enough to start a writing group—just put an ad on Craigslist or solicit people through social media and bingo; you’ll have a crowd of professional, beginning and wannabe writers wanting their work critiqued. But establishing a group that actually functions well and lasts is a whole other story.