Epigraph Self-Publishing Service - Print Books On-Demand

The Yoga of Relationships

Yogi Amrit Desai

The Yoga of Relationships

Specifications: 126 pages / eBook / Paperback

About the book design and execution

The Yoga of Relationships is one of three books Epigraph designed and distributed for Yoga International, published on-demand under the Yoga International/Red Elixir imprint. The title will transfer to the Monkfish/Red Elixir imprint in 2015.

The cover art is by the author. Note the use of the same image in the interior at opening pages for chapters. Matching line illustrations are used to set off new sections. 

This is a 6 x 9 paperback, 126 pages, published on-demand. Fonts used: Linotype Zapfino One, ZapfDingbats BT, Adobe Caslon Pro, Myriad Pro, Webdings, Wingdings 2. 

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