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When Thought Turns to Light: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Transformation

Patrick Paul Garlinger

When Thought Turns to Light: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Transformation

Specifications: 5 x 7 / 192 pages / Paperback

About the book design and execution

Hosting a lot of wisdom in a little package, Patrick Paul Garlinger's When Thought Turns to Light is an elegant guide to everyday spirituality. Utilizing a smaller trim size (5 x 7), the book can practically be kept in your pocket. The cover shows a minimalist, spaced-out approach, which is reflected in the interior as well. Though the trim size is small, the book was designed to make positive use of negative space: larger margins and spaced-out lettering create a very approachable look and avoiding looking crammed, giving the reader room to breathe. The book primarily uses Caslon font, but makes copious use of small caps, bold and semi-bold, and leading changes to create a varied look.

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