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Beth Pettengill Riley & Priscilla Stanton Auchincloss: A Moving Inquiry

Beth Pettengill Riley & Priscilla Stanton Auchincloss

About the author:

Beth Pettengill Riley is a global leader in somatic movement education and therapy, as well as a seasoned somatic movement activist with over 40 years of experience in facilitating workshops in Continuum, yoga and meditation. She has a master's in education with a specialization in dance from Stanford University and currently serves as president of the board of the International Somatic Movement and Therapy Association (ISMETA). Beth passionately engages embodiment as a spiritual path and maintains a private practice in Santa Cruz, CA, assisting individuals in finding greater freedom of movement.

Priscilla Stanton Auchincloss has been seeking to understand how the world works for most of her life. She earned a doctorate in experimental physics from Columbia University and, as a professor and administrator at the University of Rochester, investigated the role of gender in the culture of science. Finding in movement a way to reclaim a more authentic, elemental and physical life, she left the university, opened a movement studio, and became an authorized teacher of Continuum. She lives and works in Rochester, NY, and continues to explore movement as a path of insight and healing the modern soul.