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Forgotten Letters - Tramping Through China 1935-1937

Barbara Hardenbrook

Forgotten Letters - Tramping Through China 1935-1937

Specifications: 8x10 / 316 pages / Paperback

About the book design and execution

Forgotten Letters takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the wilds of the China and Tibet of the mid 1930's. Fritz Hardenbrook, traveling as a local, was an observant and fearless traveler. His photographs of ordinary people show the China of a time gone by. 

This stunning cover by Elizabeth DiPalma shows what can happen when inspiration, Photoshop, and InDesign work perfectly together. This oversize (8 x 10) paperback includes 98 photographs, and tens of letters, maps, and documents. Beautiful small illustrations adorn the interior throughout. Three fonts were used: Mrs Eaves, Times New Roman, Type Embellishments One Plai.

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