August 13, 2014
Let me count the ways:
– You can revise a book at any time.
– You can change a book’s price at any time
– You can change a book’s wholesale discount at any time.
– There is no physical inventory until someone wants a book. (Mystics, take note.)
– Print-on-demand distribution is strictly cash positive: the print costs are deducted from the receipts of sales.
– Print-on-demand publishing means books go “green.” Let me count the ways: First, you’re not trucking mass quantities of books, which equals lower oil consumption and carbon emissions; second and third, having no returns or overprinting means more of the same.
– Print-on-demand publishing means books go global. Let me count the Amazon international sites:
– Print-on-demand publishing means the “playing field” is leveled to the advantage of the little guy.
– Print-on-demand publishing means books never have to go out of print.
– Print-on-demand means more books for humankind.
– Print-on-demand publishing is peace, if we want it to be.