Epigraph Self-Publishing Service - Print Books On-Demand

The Marble King and Other Stories

David Bellin

The Marble King and Other Stories

Specifications: 5.5 x 8.5 / 210 pages / Hardcover / Paperback

About the book design and execution

David Bellin's short story collection The Marble King is available in both paperback and hardcover with a dust jacket (as seen on this page). Designer Chris Hallman included customized graphics on each story's opening page that are thematically related to the text, as well as the beautiful marble graphic on the full title page. Also included are "teasers" for the stories on the left-hand pages before the story openers. Dual edition book covers can create their own challenges, particularly when a dust jacket is involved, because more information is present on the dust jacket than on the paperback. Fonts used: Adobe Garamond Pro, Adobe Caslon Pro, Garamond, Goudy Old Style, Minion Pro, and Times New Roman.

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