Epigraph Self-Publishing Service - Print Books On-Demand

The Emancipation of Giles Corey

Michael Sortomme

The Emancipation of Giles Corey

Specifications: 6x9 / 348 pages / eBook / Paperback

About the book design and execution

An example of an art-driven cover in which art and text mesh perfectly. Note the introduction of the transparent red band to highlight the title, as well as the stones that are superimposed. The stones are a reference to the practice of stoning, while the painting is of the main character in the book. The art is by the author. 

The author's art also figures prominently in the interior design and includes full page illustrations, hand-drawn maps, and small graphical illustrations used to adorn chapter headings and sectional breaks. Note the unusual script font used in the front matter and chapter headings, which convey the spooky atmosphere of the writing. Note also the centered treatment of the table of contents and acknowledgments, which convey somewhat the sense of a formal invitation to a dinner at a haunted house. Eight fonts were used: Adobe Caslon Pro, Apple Garamond, Dressel Medium, Frutiger SAIN, Lucida Calligraphy, Minion, P22 Cezanne, Times New Roman.

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