Epigraph Self-Publishing Service - Print Books On-Demand

The Conscious Whole

William T. Kenny

The Conscious Whole

Specifications: 6 x 9 | 368 pages / eBook / Paperback

About the book design and execution

Part novel, part treatise on quantum physics, William T. Kenny's The Conscious Whole follows a man's journey through a world that controls his environment and shapes his matter. A terminal illness drives him to seek an alternate life; what he discovers is a quantum realm that always existed but was previously beyond his perception.

The design challenge with The Conscious Whole was the large number of footnotes, some containing several paragraphs of text, throughout the work. Each of these footnotes had to paid careful attention to, so as to not end up with awkward page breaks or notes that were difficult to follow.

The cover art, by Brad Abrahams, was commissioned for the book by the author.

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