Epigraph Self-Publishing Service - Print Books On-Demand

The Backwards Birthday

Kenneth & Grace Wapner

The Backwards Birthday

Specifications: 8 x 10 / 80 pages

About the book design and execution

Father and writer Kenneth Wapner joined his artist mother in creating this delightful, illustrated book for his young daughter. 
The generously sized 8 x 10 paperback makes for an intimate holding and reading experience perfect for children. Note how beautifully the text melds with the art. The use of script fonts here gives the text a handwritten feeling, thus helping to bridge the chasm between language and the visual art. 

Mother and son here have created a timeless keepsake for their next generation. Privately printed. Seven fonts were used:Annabel Script, Commercial Script, ITC Avant Garde Gothic, Nueva, Times, Tw Cen MT, Zapfino.  

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